Ask The Career Coach - May 2020 Edition
1) I am currently out of work and have been offered a contract position with a possible hire to full-time. I really wanted a full-time job. Should I do this?
2) What is one thing that you think sabotages people in interviews?
3) On a resume, which accomplishments should I showcase?
3 Things Job Seekers Hate And Why They Occur
With 30-40 openings, the in-house recruiter may have anywhere from 300 on the low side to many thousands of candidates in the pipeline. To speed up the process so as to be able to interact with new applicants in a more timely manner, many companies are using technology at the first point of contact.
Get the job like I did. How to prepare for an interview.
Every candidate is selling what they can do to an audience that is looking to buy. Like cars in a dealer showroom, they all are transportation, but each has different features that are needs or wants for different audiences. Your job as a candidate is to figure out what you can do and what “features” you have that would be of interest to the buyer…