Moving and Need A New Job? 6 Steps For Success
When you start looking, potential employers will want to have a date from you as to when you would be available to start. If you cannot give them one, it makes the decision to bring you on much harder for the employer, as you have added a level of risk that most employers do not want to take on. Without a specific date when you will be settled and available for work, the employer cannot do their labor planning appropriately.
Why Leave Money On The Table? Negotiate On Total Compensation.
You have received an offer of employment. Great! The hard part of the job search has been completed. Don’t let down your guard, though. You have now moved into a very tricky part of the job search which can have an impact for years to come–the compensation negotiation. Not negotiating starting salary, especially early in your career, could cost you an estimated one million dollars over your working life. That is significant money! Raises on top of a higher base and bonuses based on a percentage of a higher base salary can significantly increase your earnings.