Breaking Down Ghosting in Hiring: Poll Results and Insights

Woman crying with ghosts on background

I recently conducted a LinkedIn poll to understand better what job seekers consider ghosting in hiring. I hear job seekers bemoan the ghosting they face while searching for jobs, which has worsened in the last few years. So, I wanted to get a clearer picture of what job seekers consider to be “ghosting.”

Here are the results:

Findings of poll. Silence after interview: 45%, No reply after application: 5%, Both:49%

As you can see, with nearly 1,000 votes, it is almost split between those who only consider not hearing back after an interview as ghosting and those who consider ghosting also to include not hearing back after applying.

What was also interesting were the many comments from job seekers and recruiters on this topic. There are different opinions about what constitutes ghosting. Recruiter sentiment is that ghosting after someone has been interviewed constitutes ghosting but not after an application. Job seekers feel otherwise.

So, let’s discuss the different interactions with employers, what job seekers should expect regarding communication, and my rating of how egregious a recruiter’s lack of communication is.

No Communication After an Interview or Other Assessments

Egregious Meter: Really Bad

Job seekers hate this, and for good reason. They have expended time and effort to prepare for interviews, often more than a few hours. They have analyzed the job description, researched the company and interviewers, and practiced how to best answer questions that will likely be asked of them. If it is an in-person interview, there is the time and expense to get to the organization’s location, and if working, potentially taking time off to be available. Even if it is a virtual interview, there are logistical issues with finding a quiet place to conduct it.

So, it is very bad behavior when there is no communication after making this effort, even when told there would be. There is a societal expectation that some communication, either a yes or no, should be forthcoming. Letting the candidate know this should be a common courtesy even if no decision has been made—recruiters who understand this and choose to do otherwise break a societal contract.

Unfortunately, many organizations do not do this. It may be because recruiters are overwhelmed, do not want to deal with confrontation, or don’t care. Whatever the reason, this is an abysmal failure on the organization’s part. Job seekers have every right to be angry about this behavior.

No Communication After Submitting an Application

Egregious Meter: Sort of Bad

You have submitted your application for a job. This may include having tailored your resume for a role, inputting information into an application, and even answering additional questions. This also takes time, anywhere from a few minutes on a candidate's part to more if the resume needs significant tailoring or further research on the company is being done. With all that work in, you expect some word back about the status of your application. Except you hear nothing.

I put this in the Sort of Bad category because there seems to be a disconnect between job seekers’ expectations of communications and recruiters. From the many comments from recruiters to my poll, they do not believe they must provide any feedback on a submitted application. They feel it is implied that if you do not hear back from the organization, the assumption should be you are not a fit for the role. So, if one side does not believe there is an obligation on their part to communicate and is acting on that assumption, then which side is right?

I am a realist, and if recruiters are working under this assumption (and let’s face it, X% did not see this as ghosting from my poll), then it behooves job seekers to readjust their expectations. First of all, never focus only on one job opening. Always be looking. Never stop. That way, if you do not hear back within a reasonable amount of time, you can assume you were rejected and focus on those opportunities where organizations have reached out to you.

Honestly, I know that “ghosting” is a common vernacular for not getting a response. Still, maybe we need another term for this situation to distinguish it from the very bad not hearing back from interviews. To distinguish it from ghosting, this action could be called “blackholing.”

Told You’ll Only Hear Back If Moving Forward

Egregious Meter: No Bad

Some organizations proactively, either in a job posting, in their acknowledgment email that your application has been accepted, or both, that you are not to expect further communication unless you are moving forward in the process. This is to set up an expectation for applicants not to wait for further communication. If an organization makes this known as part of its process, then it has met its obligation. While job seekers may not like this silence, they at least have been forewarned and should not be angry or upset when they do not hear anything back.

Applicants may not like this lack of communication during the organization’s hiring process, but they are at least told about it upfront.

Prepare For The Worse, Hope For The Best

If I had a magic wand, I would give all talent acquisition departments sufficient resources and a desire to do right by their candidates so that ghosting would never happen. As an aside, I find it very interesting that those recruiters who were out of work in 2020 and 2021 swore they would never treat job seekers like how they were treated are, in fact, treating job seekers like they were treated. Why is it okay when you do it?

Ghosting is a prevalent issue, not just for entry-level job seekers but also for my clients interviewing for senior roles. Even in well-known organizations, ghosting is a reality. Therefore, the best advice I can give is to be mentally prepared for this to happen to you.

This is a new phenomenon for many who have not been in the job market for a while, and they are appalled that this could happen. There is genuine anger from others who have had it happen multiple times. I get this. I would feel the same. But anger is not going to make the situation better. 

That is why I suggest all job seekers expect ghosting. When interviewing, ask when to expect communication back and by whom. Have a follow-up plan when you don’t hear back, including when to stop because it seems fruitless. 

It is a sad commentary on the state of hiring that I advise job seekers to prepare for being ghosted. But that is where we are. If you mentally prepare for this eventuality, then when it happens, you won’t be quite as upset. You need that energy to pursue other opportunities.

Shelley Piedmont is a Career Coach who focuses on understanding your unique skills, interests, and aspirations and provides personalized coaching to guide you toward roles where you can truly thrive. Whether you are stuck as to what your next career move should be or need help with resumes, LinkedIn profiles, or interview preparation, Shelley is here to help you. Please set up an exploratory call to find out how she can help you reach your career goals.


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